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Must be 18 or older to use this product. Service fee and limits apply. Card must be activated and personalized with cardholder’s name. Personal information, internet access, working email address, and mobile phone are required to use MoneyPak. Check card eligibility below.

Use Your Card

Add cash to any eligible prepaid or bank debit card

Add $20 - $500 in cash at 70,000+ retailers nationwide for a $5.95 flat fee.
Add cash

MoneyPak is accepted by most Visa®, Mastercard® and Discover® debit cards, plus 200+ prepaid debit card brands.
Check eligibility

How it works

Buy a MoneyPak at 70,000+ retailers nationwide, including 7-Eleven®,CVS®, Dollar General®, Rite Aid®, Walgreens®, and more. Hand the MoneyPak to the cashier along with your $5.95 flat fee and the amount you’d like to add to the card (from $20-$500).

Scratch off the secure MoneyPak PIN number on the back of the package and give that to the person receiving the money. First time users will need to create a profile at Personal information, including a valid U.S. government issued ID, may be required for identity verification purposes Never share the pin with someone you don’t know.

Once the profile is created, follow the instructions to add any eligible prepaid or bank debit card to the MoneyPak profile, then use the secure MoneyPak PIN number to add the funds to the card. The card must be personalized with the cardholder’s name. All cards added will automatically be saved to the person’s secure profile to make future transfers quick and easy.

Personal information, internet access, working email address, and mobile phone are required to use MoneyPak.